Managing finances can be challenging, especially when the cost of living is high. If you find yourself struggling financially, one option to consider is seeking financial assistance from the government.
There are various programs available that can provide you with free money to cover expenses such as college tuition, child care, rent, and more. Additionally, we will provide you with useful tips to avoid falling victim to scams while seeking assistance.
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15 Ways to Get Free Money from the Government

1. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), also known as welfare, offers a valuable financial support system to those in need. The amount of assistance you can receive varies depending on your state of residence.
For instance, in Oklahoma, the maximum monthly amount for a family of one adult and two children is $292, as stated on Meanwhile, the Washington State Department of Children, Youth & Families indicates that a family of three in Washington, without any other sources of income, could receive $654 per month.
To apply for TANF, you must contact your state’s administering agency and meet the eligibility requirements, which typically include having a low income. Keep in mind that different states have varying definitions of what qualifies as low income.
2. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
If you qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which was formerly known as food stamps, the government will provide you with an electronic benefits transfer card that functions similarly to a debit card.
This card can be used at approved stores to purchase food for your household. To qualify for SNAP, your household’s income must meet certain net and gross income limits based on its size. On average, each person receives approximately $189 per month in benefits, as reported by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
3. Free or Low-Cost School Lunches
If your household falls under the low-income category, your children may qualify for free or discounted meals at school. As per the School Nutrition Association, families of four earning $40,560 or less annually are eligible for free meals during the 2024-2025 academic year.
Similarly, families of the same size earning $57,720 or less would qualify for reduced-price meals. To determine your income eligibility, you can refer to the Federal Register, although the guidelines can be a bit perplexing. If you have any doubts, feel free to reach out to your child’s school for clarification.
4. The Child and Adult Care Food Program
One way to access free money from the government is through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).
This program provides reimbursements for healthy meals and snacks to eligible individuals, including children and adults, who receive care at approved child care centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers. To determine your eligibility, you can visit the National CACFP Association’s website.
5. Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services. This program offers grants to assist individuals with their utility bills. Each state has the authority to determine if a household is eligible for a grant.
However, individuals who are already enrolled in programs like SNAP may have a higher chance of automatic eligibility, as stated by
The grant amount is typically based on factors such as income, the number of people residing in the home, and the type of fuel used for heating or cooling purposes. In recent years, grants have ranged from $500 to $1,500 and are directly paid to the utility company.
6. Child Care and Development Fund
If you are a low-income family in need of financial assistance for child care expenses related to work, school, or job training, you can benefit from the Child Care and Development Fund.
It is important to note that even if you consider yourself to be in the middle-income bracket, you should still check your eligibility for this program on
7. Down Payment Assistance Programs
If you are struggling financially and need assistance to make homeownership possible, consider exploring homebuyer programs that provide down-payment assistance. These programs may offer grants, which essentially provide free money for your down payment.
Alternatively, they may offer forgivable loans with zero interest, which can also be considered as free money. Additionally, you may come across programs that provide low-interest loans, which can be a more affordable option. Some programs may even provide assistance with covering your closing costs.
If you are looking for ways to receive free money from the government, one option is to contact your local government office or city council to inquire about any available programs that offer assistance with down payments.
Additionally, you can visit the website of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which provides extensive details on various state and local government initiatives aimed at helping first-time home buyers and providing down-payment assistance.
8. Pell Grant
If you have a child who will be attending college in the near future, encourage them to apply for the Pell Grant through Although it may seem daunting, the financial aid virtual assistant is available to provide assistance.
If your child qualifies for the federal Pell Grant, they could receive a maximum amount of $7,395 for the 2024-2025 academic year – and the best part is, this money does not need to be repaid.
9. Supplemental Security Income
There are various methods available to obtain free money from the government, one of which is the Supplemental Security Income (SS) program. This federal initiative aims to support individuals, both adults and children, who have limited income and resources due to disabilities.
While the program is administered by the Social Security Administration, the funds received by beneficiaries do not come from Social Security taxes. As per the SSA, the maximum monthly amount that an eligible individual can receive in 2024 is $943.
If the eligible individual has a qualified spouse, the amount increases to $1,415. Additionally, an essential person, who resides in the same household and takes care of the eligible individual, may receive $472.
10. National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators
The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) operates, a website dedicated to helping individuals locate lost or unclaimed money.
Whether you have misplaced a substantial amount of money, such as unclaimed life insurance benefits, or a small sum like $11.50 in an abandoned checking account, you may be able to find it through this platform.
Additionally, NAUPA endorses as another resource worth exploring. According to NAUPA, approximately 1 in 7 Americans have unclaimed money or assets being held by states, with over $4 billion returned annually.
There are various methods through which individuals can acquire free money from the government. One way is by obtaining a health insurance plan from the government at a more affordable price compared to other options.
Although you may still have to pay a substantial premium, this can be considered as receiving free money. The amount of savings you can enjoy, or whether you can save at all, is dependent on the size of your household.
12. Unemployment insurance
Although you contribute to unemployment insurance and are taxed on the benefits received, it can serve as a source of no-strings attached funds from the government when you are unemployed and in need of income.
To apply for these benefits, you can easily file a claim through your state’s unemployment office website or contact them directly for assistance if required.
13. Social Security Disability Insurance benefits
To be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance, it is generally required to have made contributions to Social Security through FICA taxes for at least five out of the past ten years.
Additionally, you must have a disability that hinders your ability to work and earn an income beyond what the government considers as “substantial gainful activity.” Numerous criteria must be met to qualify for this assistance, and you can find more information on the Social Security website.
14. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
The government offers a program called WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) which provides assistance to women and their young children by providing them with nutritious food, counseling on nutrition, and referrals to different health and social service agencies.
This program is specifically designed for women with low income, who fall within or below 185% of the U.S. poverty income guidelines, as stated on the Food and Nutrition Service U.S.
Department of Agriculture website. The amount of assistance received varies, but as an example, a qualifying mother with two children could receive $919 per week.
15. Free Tax Help
There are numerous avenues available to receive assistance from the government without spending any money. One such option is seeking help from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
While it may not be direct monetary assistance, obtaining free tax help from the IRS can save you from spending on expensive tax professionals or software services.
The IRS offers a program called IRS Free File, which is a tax preparation software designed to assist individuals in filing their taxes. However, it is important to note that this service is only available to individuals with an adjusted gross income of $79,000 or less per year.
Watch out for scams
Although there are legitimate ways to receive financial help from the government, it is important to be cautious of grant scams that falsely promise free money in order to deceive and steal from individuals.
It is unlikely for the government to proactively offer free money, particularly for purposes such as starting a new business or covering personal expenses. Moreover, the government does not use social media as a means of distributing these funds.
State and federal programs are primarily aimed at assisting individuals and families in need, with the ultimate goal of helping them become financially independent.